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How to Find Disability Support Workers and Service Providers

Getting the right support is essential if you have a disability or you care for someone with a disability.

In this article, we'll offer some tips to help you find the right disability support worker for you.

Disability support worker helping young boy in wheelchair with study

1. Consider How You Manage Your NDIS Funding

If you're self-managing your disability care, you completely control your NDIS funds. You can use any provider to help you achieve your NDIS plan goals. You're also able to negotiate rates so you can get value for money.

2. Do Your Homework on Rates

When self-managing, you're not restricted to the NDIS price guide. The risk with this is that some providers may request you pay more than the NDIS rate. So it's a good idea to do your research before making any arrangements.

3. Look at Unregistered Service Providers

Many support workers and service providers are unregistered. But this doesn't impact the level of care you or your loved one receives. Often, you'll receive the same level of service with registered or unregistered providers. Many smaller providers simply don't have the time or resources for NDIS registration.

4. Check Out Online Platforms

An online platform can offer you flexibility and allow you to find someone who meets your needs. Most online providers carry out checks and offer built-in safeguards to protect you. But be aware of costs and ensure you're comfortable with fees before using the services.

For example, some providers take a percentage of the price you pay. If you want all your budget to go direct to your support worker, you may want to consider employing direct.

5. Reach Out to Your Network

Contat people in your existing network to help you find the right level of support. They can be a great resource for seeking guidance, advice or referrals. Getting a referral can help you to find someone suitable for you or your family.

6. Talk to a Traditional Agency

It may be worth talking to a traditional agency as a starting point. Traditional agencies typically employ or contract their Support Workers. And they have established screening processes in place.

An agency could be a good option if you want to talk face-to-face about your NDIS support options. Remember when using agencies that:

  • They typically set rates at the NDIS' Price Guide'.

  • The average hourly rate is likely to be higher than employing direct or using an online platform.

  • There may be specific notice periods you need to meet if you wish to cancel an agreement.

  • It may take a while to secure support, depending on how many contractors or employees an agency has at one time.

  • You're likely to get cover if your support worker has to cancel a shift.

  • You may not have the opportunity to meet your support worker before they start working with you.

7. Consider Employing Direct

Employing direct offers you the chance to find someone specific to your or your loved one's needs. And to negotiate an agreement directly with them so you know exactly what you're getting.

Employing direct does offer benefits, but ensure you verify support workers for safety. And conduct ongoing checks during their employment.

How We Can Help

Once you've got the right support, our app helps you share all information to help manage your care. It features easy-to-use tools to make managing disability care easier than ever before.

Try it out with our 30-day free trial available on each plan. So you can see how to schedule support workers, arrange timesheets, sort out payroll and more.



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