When searching for a support worker, it's crucial to find someone who can:
offer appropriate skills and training
provide the right level of care for your needs
is a good match for your personality and lifestyle.

If you're hiring support workers for yourself or a loved one, here are some qualities to look for:
Excellent Communicators
Good communication is often the key to any good working relationship. And it's even more critical in disability care.
Employing a disability support worker who communicates well helps to avoid any misunderstandings. It can also help to improve the quality your or your loved one's care.
Just as important is someone who actively listens and acknowledges your needs.
Setting clear boundaries at the start can help them understand -
what topics they need to discuss with you or your circle of support to assist with your care
help ensure they don't push any boundaries you or your loved ones may not be comfortable with.
It can also be necessary to use alternative communication aids. If so, check if your prospective support worker has experience using the aids you use or is willing to learn.
Your support worker often becomes a critical part of your day-to-day life. Making reliability and commitment essential. When screening candidates, find out about their organisation and time management skills. This can help ensure a good match.
Clarify expectations and ask about -
overtime - availability and costs
minimum working hours
availability and flexibility
qualifications and experience
whether they're registered with the NDIS.
Unregistered providers often offer you the same level of service. Usually, they don't have the time or resources to go through NDIS registration.
Understanding this information can help you work out what they can offer you as a support worker.
Being a disability support worker can require a great deal of patience. Some everyday activities aren't fully accessible, so take longer or need more effort.
Finding a support worker who can help solve problems can make life a lot more positive for everyone. It can also help you or your loved one navigate daily challenges more easily.
Sense of humour
While having a sense of humour isn't an essential skill, it can definitely help! Having someone you can laugh with, particularly if you're having a stressful or challenging day, can help keep things positive for everyone.
Understands the Support You Want
Finding a support worker who knows when to offer and provide the support you need and when to let you be independent is important.
Setting up a service agreement to ensure your expectations are clear can be a good idea. Do this at the beginning of employment to help avoid any issues.
Regardless of your support workers' prior experience, it's important they adapt their approach to suit your needs.
Employing a support worker who respects your (or your loved one's) needs, choices and wants helps you to achieve the lifestyle you want.
Look for someone who wants to -
understand your goals
share ideas to help you reach your goals
wants to learn about how you want to achieve your goals
treats you as an equal
asks questions about the lifestyle you want to achieve
contributes their ideas
An interview helps you to get to know their background, skills, and capabilities. You can also consider a trial period to make sure they're the right person for the role.
Choosing a Support Worker
Choosing the right disability support worker ensures you or your loved one receives the care, respect, and independence needed to live life fully. From communication skills and reliability to patience and a sense of humour, each quality plays a vital role in building a positive and supportive relationship.
By carefully assessing their experience, personality, and ability to meet your needs, you can find a support worker who not only provides excellent care but also empowers you to achieve your goals.
Discover more tips for finding disability support workers and providers to help you find the perfect fit.